Hidden Symbols

When two tetrahedra touch, they form a double tetrahedron whose sum of faces is 66+66 = 132. 2nd incarnation of the prime 1;2,3 = 11;12;13 = 36.

Sacred Geometry in Nature and Life Creation Arts

The triquetra or the rebirth of consciousness.

Sacred geometry number 3. Note circular romanesque arches behind in the mary chapel. All energies have a certain frequency, a vibration, a dance. There is a belief that god created the universe according to a geometric plan, and therefore, god is considered the geometer or architect of the world.

The last generative number that we must introduce, which is perhaps the more important one, is the golden ratio φ. If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. They describe the most pleasing and the most commonly occurring relationships in our world, but their exact

The decimal parity equivalent of the number 377 is 3 + 7 + 7 = 17 and 1 + 7 = 8. Where classical geometry deals with the niceties and uniformities of our universe, sacred geometry deals with the uneven, unknowable, and incomprehensible irrational numbers. The number 666 according to biblical prophesy is.

Gothic arch in the gallilee of glastonbury abbey. Sacred geometry ascribes symbolic and sacred meanings to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions. The continuous 19 year recurrence of the moon's phase and location amongst the stars.

Let’s take the following example: The hexagon is rooted in the number 3 in many ways and the ancient philosophers were intrigued. “certain numbers are considered ‘canonical'” robin heath & john michell tell us, “numbers such as 8640, 4320, 3168, those that constantly recur in myths, time periods, scriptures, architecture and so forth, they may be likened to the beams and columns of numerical structures, into which the rafters and studwork of lesser numbers integrally fit.

This merkaba implies the conjunction of psyche, spirit and soul. Gothic arch on the tower on the glastonbury tor. 3rd incarnation of the prime 1;2;3 = 21;22;23 = 66.

Pythagoras is thought to have brought it from egypt to the ancient greeks. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657. For convenience we call these numbers pi and phi.

So the decimal parity equivalent of 377 is 8. This masculine number is symbolised by the reuleaux triangle—the holy trinity. 3 is the base of creation (the triangle as the most basic unit of all structure) 6 is universal duality or the law of genders, of feminine and male energies as….

Exploring the hidden architecture of creation.sacred geometry online classes: The geometry used in the design and construction of religious structures such as churches, temples, mosques, religious monuments, altars, and tabernacles has sometimes. Understanding the simple truths of sacred.

The torus is a 2d depiction of a 3 dimensional shape, like many other sacred geometry forms. The 3d shape is known as a horn torus. It this vescia is the sacred geometric shape of the piscean age.

The four subjects of the quadrivium are: It provides the only way of dividing a unit segment into two peaces, using a. This number represents stability, the base of a pyramid, ground or earth.

Here we awaken the infinite wisdom in our heart by opening our mind to see ourselves as whole. Number, geometry, music and astronomy. The symbol of the vesica piscis, two circles interleaced, although not being squared, also hides another set of basic generative numbers, which are the square roots of 2, 3 and 5:

The inner sanctum of sacred geometry: The three that are one: Sacred geometry quadrivium is an educational method and philosophy older than anyone knows and its purpose was to liberate the soul from entrapment in matter.

The application of 'sacred' geometry in our most important buildings. Numbers 18, 54, 72, 108, 144, 360, 777 and 1008, are all significant numbers that relate to sacred geometry and/or spirituality. This special arrangement by heath uses the numbers from 1 to 32.

If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe. It has been shown (1), that ancient sacred and ceremonial sites were invariably built with dimensions that incorporate mathematical figures such as infinite numbers, astronomical or mathematical constants (such as pi or the 'sacred' mean), and the use of geometry (3:4:5 pythagorean triangle etc). This site was a hermitage and retreat for early christian monks :

3 flower of life 64 tetrahedron grid fractal fingerprint of god 3,6,9 and 24 fibonacci pattern 4 e8 lie group vector equilibrium dodecahedron star tetrahedron and 24 fibonacci pattern 5 hebrew alphabet and the vector equilibrium 4th incarnation of the prime 1;2;3 = 31;32;33 = 96. Sacred geometry is based on symbolic and sacred meanings of certain geometric shapes and proportions.

The first 24 numbers of the fibonacci sequence are: It is associated with the belief that a god is the geometer of the world. It represents the unity of brain, heart and gut.

Sacred geometric shapes are an important means of spiritual growth.